Terms of Use


  1. Fund Management


Our company or website just enables a platform to make the flow of funds easily available to the team. We are not the end-user of your funds.

Funders should get in touch with the developers and campaigners before finalizing the deal, as their money is going to be used by the development team and not the platform.

In case of any dis-satisfaction regards funds, both the parties should come together and work towards resolving the issue. 

Neither our company nor the owners play any role in the agreement between campaigner and funder


  1. Project completion


On our platform, there are majorly two stakeholders for the project. The funders and the developers. As ownership of the project is given to the developers it’s their responsibility to complete the project as per the deadline they set. Developers must also keep the funders informed well in advance about the timeline. In case of any delays, the deadlines should be updated and conveyed to the funders.

Our platform/website does not take the guarantee of any development team regarding project completion. We do not claim on behalf of any developer or campaigner.


  1. Dispute resolution


If a dispute or controversy arises between the two parties, then both the parties involved in the matter have equal rights to negotiate and resolve the dispute amicably. But if the dispute still exists and any of the parties sends a legal dispute notice to another, and both the parties are still unable to resolve the matter in the 30 Days or days mentioned in the notice, then the dispute will be taken forward as arbitration.


In case of any such arbitration, all proceedings shall be in the English Language


The place/seating for the negotiation with the arbitrators shall be in Gurugram


Gurugram courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over the matter of any disputes, as per the law of India


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